Take time to enjoy family and friends.
Thank you to all who support PSSA by buying our raffle tickets. Your support is much appreciated. Winners are announced on our website: www.pssasnow.org and in the Keystone Snowmobiler. Anticipated profits will be used to further the mission of PSSA.
PSSA clubs have received their trail cameras. These cameras are designed to show snow conditions along our trails. They can also help with safety issues. Many thanks to all who took the time to apply and also to our Grant Administrator, Lori Elliott for applying for this grant.
Recently PSSA was awarded a Legislative grant from the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association. This $3000 grant will be used to showcase snowmobiling recreation by inviting our legislative representatives to take a ride. PSSA is in need of their support for future projects.
The Snowmobile and ATV Advisory Committee (SAAC) recently held their fall meeting. Norm Strotman and Arline LaTourette were elected to the offices of Vice-Chair and Secretary respectively. Norm and Arline possess the background and initiative to move snowmobile recreation to the forefront. Norm is on the Registration Fee Committee and Arline as an alternate has attended the SAAC meetings. Her priority has been to prioritize full day Safety Classes for all snowmobilers. They will do well in representing PSSA on this committee.
Today is the last day for Terry Wood to represent snowmobilers on the PSSA Executive Board. Terry has spent many fruitful years advocating for snowmobile recreation. He was also the Chair of the Communications Committee. He with his expertise and common sense will be missed by many. Thank you for your service.
Currently Cindy Barrick, Region Ten Director, PTAC member and Executive Board Secretary has been in contact with DCNR to arrange another PSSA membership meeting in January. This is a continuation of previous meetings with DCNR. A date will be announced later.
Think Snow!
Liz Krug, PSSA President