HELLO from the members of the Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club.
I mentioned in last month’s column about the lack of snow in most areas of the northeast US. In retrospect, that was pretty insignificant in light of the fact that most of us are now mostly housebound as a result of the Governor’s stay-at-home executive order.
It probably helps, at least a little, that snowmobile season in PA has ended. I am confident that we will solve and ultimately get through this together as snowmobilers, and Americans, as we are nothing if not a tenacious and resilient bunch!
Obviously trips to, and the usual activities at, our lodge have been curtailed by the COVID-19 restrictions. But there are still things going on, especially with our club’s membership.
Our club extends a very warm and happy welcome to our newest Full-Share Club Member Norm Herr of Washington Borough, PA. Having previously been a Probationary Member for a year, we have all gotten to know and love Norm. Norm has integrated seamlessly into our club and contributed in numerous ways already so we are very glad to have him as Full-Share Club Member. WELCOME Norm!
: Let’s all dream about spinning those odometers next season! Our beloved Hyner Mountain Lodge – We all hope to see it again soon!
Joining our club as a new Probationary Member at our February meeting was Ken Tressler of Howard, PA. I met Ken at our January open house and meeting and was glad that he decided to join our club. WELCOME Ken!
Also, joining our club as a new Probationary Member at our March virtual meeting was Karl Kulikosky of Orwigsburg, PA. Karl is a friend and riding partner of long-time Full-Share Club Member Kevin Gerace and has been at the lodge several times as a guest. And like Ken, we are glad that Karl has decided to join our club. WELCOME Karl!
On a more bittersweet note, at our March virtual meeting, the club reluctantly received resignations from longtime members Barb and Jim Scheifley of Jersey Shore, PA. Although both are exceptionally modest and are going to hate for me including them in this article, Barb’s and Jim’s contributions to our club cannot be understated. Both are charter members and were integrally involved in the preliminary fund-raising for, and the eventual construction of, our beautiful purpose-built lodge back in 1990.
In addition, both Barb and Jim have served as board members and club officers over the years and whenever something really needed to be done, Barb and Jim have quietly and selflessly stepped forward. It would be impossible to list their many accomplishments but ones that immediately come-to-mind for me are Jim’s major key role in all aspects of the expedited construction of our club’s new driveway about five (5) or so years ago and his steadfast development and stewardship of our club’s website and snow-cam. Barb’s contributions are no less noteworthy as she has served for years as club Secretary and custodian of our club’s by-laws and its records.
I am proud to have worked alongside Barb and Jim since I joined in 2002 and they have been an inspiration for me and a lot of other club members, both present and former. Their steady presence at our monthly meetings and bi-annual workdays will be sorely missed. Smooth trails and bluebird skies Barb and Jim, THANKS for everything, we love you both dearly, and please know that you will be sorely missed! Please don’t hesitate to stop and see us…
Upcoming club activities include our (virtual) April meeting, May workday and meeting, and our June meeting and annual chicken BBQ which will be our last club meeting before September. All of course are contingent on what the status of the COVID-19 restrictions are at the time of those events
And although it is hard to shop and make major purchases when most dealerships are closed and we snowmobilers are under a stay-at-home order, here’s hoping the club’s members can also generate a new model year 2021 snowmobile order or two (2)!
As the weather warms and the current travel restrictions are lifted, club members will begin enjoying our various warm weather activities. Myself and fellow member Dan Casey will enjoy fly-fishing for wild brook trout in the many small headwater streams in the area around the lodge. Several members own and ride Side X Side’s and ATVs, while others have road-licensed, dual-sport motorcycles that they ride on the same state forest joint-use roads that we operate our snowmobiles on in the winter. Members also hunt from our lodge and enjoy various other activities such as biking on the Pine Creek Rail Trail, canoeing/kayaking/tubing on the Pine Creek, and celestial-gazing at Cherry Springs State Park.
You are warmly invited to come join-in on the fun. Simply Google “Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club” to find our website. Once there make sure you take a peek at our photo gallery. Also, during the warm season don’t forget to access the link to our snow-cam as although the snow stick will be put away during the summer months, the cam continues to snap hourly pictures that you can view during daylight hours. We also have links to the National Weather Service forecast for the lodge area and the current NE US weather radar that originates from Binghamton, NY. We leave these tools active so that folks that travel to the area around the lodge can use them to help guide their own warm weather activities.
If you would like to join our club, we would love to have you. Simply talk to or contact any club member you might know or happen to meet, or fill out the brief form on our website and submit it, or see us at the Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club booth at the PSSA Powersports Show in Lebanon October 30 to November 1, 2020.
In the meantime, please do your best to follow the prescribed protective actions so that you can stay happy and healthy and ready-to-ride next winter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Harrison Langley, Jr, Reporter