Greetings from the quarantined and socially-distanced members of the Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club.
I was really hoping this whole sad pandemic and its associated lockdown would be history by now and that we could resume normal activities such as going out to eat, attending family events and meetings, etc. Sadly, that is not yet the case.
Not meaning to beat an already-quite-dead horse, I will just note that we are all being affected by this pandemic. And our club is no exception. Our April and May club meetings were both conducted virtually and trips to, and time spent at our lodge, was minimal.
Certainly, our ever-changing and always-unpredictable Pennsylvania weather has provided some welcome diversions.
Surprise 1 – A mid-April 4-inch snowstorm captured on the lodge snow cam Surprise 2 – Snow at the lodge on May 9 covering green grass – Seriously? Surprise 2A – Meanwhile over in the Pocono area on May 9…
The winter-that-never-was has turned into the spring-that-just-won’t, especially in the four (4) corners area around the Hyner lodge. For those that haven’t heard that term before, this is the general area where the counties of Lycoming, Clinton, Tioga, and Potter intersect. This area is a part of the PA Wilds region.
As a result of the ~1800 – 2500-foot elevation and the rugged topography, the weather in this general area is very changeable and sometimes severe.
The recent strange spring weather started with a surprise four (4) inch snowstorm on April 18. It might have been rideable, at least early that morning, for those of us that own vintage snowmobiles. Of course, the trails close on April 1st so any riding in that area would have been limited to private property, farm fields and the like.
Granted a mid-April snowstorm is unusual. What was definitely rarer was snow in May, specifically May 9th. The Hyner lodge area escaped the brunt of that particular storm but our friends to the east, specifically the Pocono area, actually observed a measureable accumulation.
After a winter of virtually no snow, it figures that we see snow during the spring when most of us are hoping for the arrival of warmer weather so we can go to the lodge and enjoy the fishing, riding side x side’s, ATVs, and motorcycles, biking, canoeing-kayaking-tubing, and celestial-gazing I mentioned last month.
I cannot speak for anyone other than myself, but the colder-and-wetter-than-normal spring weather and occasional bouts of snow made the travel and social-distancing restrictions just a little easier to live with.
Once the travel bans are lifted, please consider visiting the four (4) corners area. And while in the area, park at Pat Reeder’s tavern and take the short walk across Route 44 and back Reeder’s Addition Lane which is located across from the northern side of the parking lot. Once you reach the end you will see three (3) driveways. Walk into the center driveway and you will find the Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club. If the gate is open someone is at the lodge. Knock on the door, introduce yourself, and ask for the grand tour. I think you will very much like what you see.
And don’t forget to Google “Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club” to find and bookmark our website so that you can access our updated-every-hour snow cam and the links to the National Weather Service forecast and the current NE US weather radar data.
Joining our club is easy. Simply talk to or contact any club member you might know or happen to meet, or fill out the brief form on our website and submit it, or stop to see us at the Hyner Mountain Snowmobile Club booth at the PSSA Powersports Show in Lebanon from October 30 to November 1, 2020.
In the meantime, please do your best to stay healthy, sane, and happy so that you are ready-to-ride next winter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Harrison Langley, Jr, Reporter