The snowmobile community lost a great and generous man with the passing of recently retired Vice-President, Jim Wolfe. Jim was deeply involved with his family, his community, and the clubs in his area. His spirit of volunteerism extended far beyond his work in the Allegheny National Forest Region. Jim spent over 50 years keeping an eye on trail issues involving local, state and national projects. Regardless of your opinion, Jim always wanted to have a conversation with you. The Pennsylvania State Snowmobile Association (PSSA) will miss his volunteer spirit, enthusiasm and advice. Remember his wife, Virginia, his son, and his daughters in your thoughts and prayers.
In spite of the heat and rain, clubs are working on the trails. Join a club and volunteer when you can. A few hours of your time can make a real difference. If you can’t volunteer, a donation to the club where you ride would be greatly appreciated.
In addition to trail work, Travis Mathna, Roger Auker, Kathy Woolever, and Committee are hard at work promoting the annual Power Sport Show. Your help is needed to encourage local dealers to participate as a vendor or advertise for the event. This Show helps pay for trail and miscellaneous expenses. Blizzard is once again sponsoring two trailers and an ATV prize is in the works. Tickets will be in the mail soon.
Terry Wood, Keystone Snowmobiler Chairperson, is asking for articles/pictures for the Keystone Snowmobiler. This is a free opportunity to promote your club/trails. There is also ad space in both the Keystone Snowmobiler and on our website:, to advertise to a much larger internet audience. Contact Kathy Woolever at (717) 461-7761 for details.
Not everyone has internet access. It would help PSSA keep in contact with those members if you would take the time to print a copy of your Keystone Snowmobiler and give it to them. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Recently PSSA sent a Club Survey to all Clubs via e-mail. The purpose of this Survey is to update club contacts and determine snowmobile recreation expenses. If your club did not receive a Survey, contact Kathy Woolever. If you have any questions, please call me. Leave a message if I do not answer. Everyone’s information is important to the future of our sport. Data talks in Washington and Harrisburg. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Think Snow!
Liz Krug, President