Thank you to all those who help groom and maintain trails.
Recently the Pennsylvania State Snowmobile Association (PSSA) Board met on two occasions with Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) personnel to discuss/analyze income and expenses of the Snowmobile Fund. Discussions also included suggestions to improve snowmobile recreation on state and private land. DCNR personnel will meet with the PSSA membership on Monday February 7, 2022 7pm to share information and answer questions. Please register ahead of time for what promises to be a very informative meeting.
The PSSA Board has been gathering pertinent information for many years concerning various aspects of the cost of snowmobile recreation across the state. Most snowmobilers realize the $10 registration fee does not cover costs for DCNR or Clubs. During the last few years PSSA Committees have continued to research and update various aspects such as: cost, new technology, communication, equipment, reciprocity, trails, grants, programs and finances. Several plans have been put forward during the last ten years to improve the snowmobile experience on both state and trails on private land. As more information becomes available we need to be flexible and embrace what will improve our snowmobile rides in Pennsylvania.
Finally, in cooperation with all participants including DCNR, PSSA, snowmobile clubs and others I think we are at the point in time where we can move forward together and make significant improvements in snowmobile recreation across the state. The improvements won’t happen overnight but we are on a path to see BIG things happen in PA. Please be patient.
The Mini-grant 25.1 is coming to an end. Lisa Vallimont took this and another grant over in mid-stream. . During this time Lisa became the Board Secretary for Summit Twp. Now much more of her time involves her work as Secretary. However, with her diligence and patience she has finished this grant. The Board and clubs thank her for all her work for PSSA. Thank you, Lisa!
As a reminder all DCNR meeting minutes are on their website.
Do you realize what PSSA does? Check out the updated list in the KS.
Please stay on the designated trails, be safe and obey all laws. One careless rider can ruin a trail for the remainder of the snowmobile community.
Liz Krug, President PSSA