Happy New Year! May you have a year filled with peace, joy and happiness.
Congratulations to Presque Isle Snowmobile Club, Inc. and Stateline Sno-Trackers who will celebrate the Anniversary of their club beginnings this year. Clubs are usually started by one or two people who want to organize a club in their area. Some have started in a barn or garage and over time have built a clubhouse. Over the years their memberships have grown. We look forward to receive pictures and a write-up of their celebrations in the near future.
I can “hear” the complaints concerning a lack of snow all the way to Erie. We cannot control the weather but we can be ready when conditions are right to ride. Remember to ride on the right and ride in a safe manner.
Everyone should be concerned about the future of our state parks. As has been mentioned in previous articles and listed on the Home page of our website: www.panow.org the state/DCNR has conducted face-to-face surveys of users of the state parks. None of these surveys have included winter month users. If you care about how the parks use your tax dollars you need to contact your local park or place where your ride. Ask when they will schedule have a public input meeting. Put your comments/concerns in writing. Take time to do it now – complaining later won’t help. Check out the DCNR website for parks.
Mini-grant charts which list all the grants awarded in the last several years are being given to clubs. Advertise your club and PSSA by having a chart placed in local businesses. The information on the chart is useful to demonstrate what clubs do to maintain trails and it also shows what PSSA members do to support the clubs. Club Volunteer hours are also listed. We need more members to join clubs and PSSA.
ACSA calendars are available now. Send a check for $20 to the Palmyra office and a calendar will be sent to you. There are many chances throughout the year to win various prizes. This is also a fund-raisers for PSSA.
PSSA just received the contract for the new grant. Clubs will be contacted with grant information as soon as we receive both the check for the grant amount and permission to proceed with work. Plan now.
Think Snow!
Liz Krug, President
Note: Membership Meeting, April 18, 2020 Ramada Golf and Conference Center, University Park (same as last year)