Happy Father’s Day!
I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding in these trying times! As we all realize it is not easy to keep “cool” when we do not experience our “normal”. It is a natural inclination to search for the “normal”. This of course affects PSSA’s normal mode of operations.
Given the reality of the Covid-19 virus we must change how we do some things. The Membership Meeting had been a full day of meetings, discussions, auction etc. The By-laws indicate that we need to have a Membership Meeting once a year. It does not indicate how or when. Therefore, to repeat what I expressed last month:
“The Board has been “following” the virus for the past several months. Facts are the driving force of decisions to be made. Decisions are not always easy. There are too many unknowns at this time. Given the State Guidelines the Board has decided to change the Membership Meeting on August 22, 2020 to a Conference Call /Zoom Meeting. The Business Meeting will begin at 11am. Any member who has a phone will be able to listen and participate. The PSSA awards will be announced and will be distributed to the winner by the Regional Director and the person who did the nomination. The Raffle will be held at 1:00 pm. More details will be distributed in the August newsletter.”
This is a Membership Meeting. All members will need to register on the PSSA website (July 7 – August 7). . You can indicate any questions or comments you have when you register.
The Board realizes the limitations this type of meeting has for those who have attended in the past. Attendance has been slipping over the years. Anyone who has a phone regardless of where they live and are a member will be able to participate. The Board will try to answer all questions/comments within the time limit. We will continue discussions with members as needed throughout the year.
This process is “new” so we will need patience from everyone.
Someone once told me that problems can be opportunities for improved change. You cannot have a rainbow without the rain.
The Power Sport Show Committee continues to meet. You will be kept informed of progress. Send any suggestions to Travis Mathna, Chair.
Not everyone can attend the PowerSport Show. Therefore, the Board is researching additional fund-raisers. PSSA needs all members to participate and help improve PSSA. We are looking for ideas from the members to raise funds. Donations are always welcome.
What are the opportunities? What can you do to help?
Stay Safe!
Think Snow!
Liz Krug, President
Note: PowerSport Show – October 30, 31 and November 1, 2020