Thank you to all those who help groom and maintain trails.
DCNR personnel met with the PSSA membership on Monday February 7, 2022 7pm to share information and answer questions. A brief presentation which showed financial information was followed by a question and answer period. Questions/comments that were submitted with meeting registrants were discussed. Additional questions/comments will be dealt with by the Board. Thank you to all who participated and/or represented clubs.
“The PSSA Board has been gathering pertinent information for many years concerning various aspects of the cost of snowmobile recreation across the state. Most snowmobilers realize the $10 registration fee does not cover costs for DCNR or Clubs. During the last few years PSSA Committees have continued to research and update various aspects such as: cost, new technology, communication, equipment, reciprocity, trails, grants, programs and finances. Several plans have been put forward during the last ten years to improve the snowmobile experience on both state and trails on private land. As more information becomes available we need to be flexible and embrace what will improve our snowmobile rides in Pennsylvania.” (Moving Forward – February 2022)
Both the Registration Fee and theTrails Committee continue to meet and discuss ways to improve snowmobile recreation across the state. The Board will keep the Membership updated on significant events. Hopefully, we can plan another Membership Information meeting in the fall.
What is the process being implemented by DCNR? The Snowmobile/ATV Committee (SAAC) will discuss the current situation and possible plans and offer a plan to be considered by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). The current law will need to be changed regarding fees and sharing of potential money. As we are well-aware this will not happen overnight. PSSA and all clubs must be treated fairly/equitably in the final version of the plan.
The Board approved the addition of a Trails Fund to be added to the Membership application. This Fund is intended to directly help fund trail projects.
No, no decision has been made for the date of the Annual Meeting or the possibility of a PowerSport Show. Stay tuned.
Recently Daryl Busch, President of Presque Isle Snowmobile Club (PISC) and PSSA Region One Director held an information meeting for anyone interested in grooming trails or fixing equipment. There were approximately forty people and three groomers in attendance from various clubs. (Three women participated.) Attendees were given a chance to experience the groomers and learn some of the basics of grooming a trail. The enthusiasm of all attendees was very evident. Please note volunteers are paid nothing to groom at all hours of the night and during the day. If this had been a paid meeting we would have spent about $4000 to cover costs!
Daryl also showed off the Rescue Unit that PISC had provided to Erie County Emergency Management about 14 years ago. Recently Erie County Emergency Management asked PISC to become a Rescue Club. This service will provide transportation for the Fire Departments to move someone from the woods or on a trail to the nearest ambulance. Erie, Crawford and Warren counties will benefit from the Rescue Unit. At this time there are sixteen volunteers to help. A long-time advocate for snowmobile recreation – Representative Bizzarro, (D -3rd Legislative District), is requesting funding for a trailer and side by side ATV.

Lori Elliott, former Executive Director of PSSA, was contracted to become our Grant Administrator. Since she has retired from Wanner Associates she has time to become involved again in grant writing. Welcome Lori!
PSSA has a small amount of grant money remaining to purchase trail cameras. If your club is in need of one or wants more information contact Lori Elliott (pssagrants@gmail.com)
Don’t forget to submit your PSSA Award Nominations to Rich Hayes (rahazey@yahoo.com), Vice- President. Awards are: PSSA Snowmobiler of the Year, Teen Award, Forester/Government Official, PSSA Family of the Year, PSSA Dealer of the Year, Special Club Volunteer Award.
Please stay on the designated trails, be safe and obey all laws. One careless rider can ruin a trail for the remainder of the snowmobile community.
Liz Krug, President PSSA