Happy Halloween!
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The mention of Halloween should remind everyone that Halloween weekend was always the PowerSport Show. The mention of Halloween should remind everyone that weekend was always the PSSA PowerSport Show. As mentioned earlier in the year, dealers do not have enough inventory to support a show this year. Hopefully next year will be different. The PowerSport Show was a major fundraiser for PSSA in the past. Now we need to depend on our Raffles and donations for support. Please help sell the up-coming Fall Raffle tickets. If you can sell more tickets please contact Kathy Woolever (member@ pasnow.org).
Every year PSSA receives a complaint about the plowing of joint-use roads. We all need to be proactive and communicate with or perhaps attend a local supervisors meeting before this happens again. In my experience, local elected officials will try to help mitigate a situation if they are approached in a timely and courteous manner. Offer to help if they want help with projects. Communication is key.
The PSSA Board approved the completed applications for grants for cameras. Checks should be in the mail shortly. Please remember to document time and expenses. We need this information.
Lori Elliott, Grants Administrator, recently completed Round 28.1 application. PSSA is asking for more money for club projects. We do not anticipate this money until next year. In the meantime we need all clubs to return the CLUB INFORMATION AND INCOME EXPENSE SHEETS to me. If you did not receive one for your club let me know and I can mail you one. This information is important to document what PSSA is asking in terms of grants for our clubs. PSSA also needs up-to-date club information. Clubs need to be kept informed of issues, comments, concerns and possible grants.
Clubs are encouraged to hold Safety Classes for those young potential riders. It is important that they receive “Hands On” experience with their training.
Yes, PSSA continues to meet with DCNR personnel. We are looking for facts before a decision is made on an increase in the Registration Fee.
I anticipate the PSSA Board will hold another fall meeting with representatives of all clubs. Start thinking about what you need to know. What does PSSA do for you? How can you help?
Reminder: Snowmobile Celebration OCT 29. What is your club doing to advocate for snowmobile recreation?
Think Snow!
Liz Krug, President PSSA