HASLETT, MI, December 15, 2022: The members of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (Arctic Cat, BRP, Polaris, and Yamaha) are joining together again this season with the snowmobile community with the Take The Pledge campaign. The Pledge is designed to ensure snowmobilers protect existing riding areas and trail systems for current and future generations and landowners who give us access to their property. Those that take the pledge agree to the following:
I Pledge to ride off trail only where I know it’s legal and accepted.
I Pledge to check before going off-trail if I don’t know.
I Pledge to protect access for future generations by doing the right thing.
I Pledge to protect access by encouraging those I ride with to take the Pledge also.
Snowmobilers enjoy over 120,000 miles of trails located on public and private land and have been built and maintained by snowmobile volunteers for over 40 years.
Snowmobilers are joined in this effort by snowmobile clubs, snowmobile dealers, lodges, local chambers of commerce – all of whom have a vested interest in maintaining responsible access. The campaign has been joined by snowmobile community leaders, ambassadors, and celebrities who have also taken the pledge.
The pledge was created to make snowmobilers aware of the importance of recognizing the ownership of the land we ride on, and the impact we have on the landowners, their pets, and their livestock. The record level of interest in enjoying the great winter outdoors demands our attention to the awareness of legal riding areas and making sure everyone with us knows the rules.
The International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association members invite every snowmobiler to take the pledge at www.snowmobilerspledge.com and encourage those they ride with to also take the pledge.
This year we have designed a logo for the Take The Pledge Campaign. Please use this logo on your websites, communications that you send out, Facebook page, etc. Encourage people to take the pledge. If they want, they can scan the QR code to be directed to the website or they can type in the website address directly. We will be making decals to send to interested parties that can be distributed at clubhouses, meetings, etc., so look for those coming soon (in English only at this time).